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Ballerina Cluster Rings

Article from Berganza

Ballerina cluster rings are a fanciful and distinctive style of cluster. Inspired by the shape of a ballerina’s tutu, the cluster of diamonds simulates the flowing movement of the ballerina dancing, creating a dramatic swirling effect on the finger.

These impressive rings often feature tapered baguette cut diamonds fanning out in an undulating row from a central gemstone. There are of course a myriad of variations possible, either set solely with hand cut diamonds such as reference 18066, or in combination with colourful natural unenhanced gemstones, see rings reference 18806, 17460 and 15664.

Ballerina clusters are first seen in the 1950s and were a design favoured by some of the most prestigious of jewellery houses such as Tiffany , Boucheron and Oscar Heyman Brothers. The skill in creating a ‘ballerina’ involved meticulous precision and exactness in the cutting and setting of the gemstones to lie perfectly next to each other.

Vintage Ballerina rings are spectacular and striking pieces of jewellery with unique eye-catching sparkle and allure. If you are seeking a dazzling engagement ring or stunning dress ring with a difference, you may find your perfect piece in our collection of Ballerina cluster rings!

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Updated 25/03/2025 at 5:11PM

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