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Eye-Catching Bombé Rings

Article from Berganza

Bombé diamond cluster ring berganza hatton garden
Bombé diamond cluster ring, circa 1930.
Ref: 25603

‘Bombé’ rings have an appealing rounded curving shape. The name ‘bombé’ comes from the French and literally means ‘bomb-shaped’. This style of ring is seen from the Edwardian period onwards however it is in the vintage 1950s, 60s and 70s that this shaping became all the rage. The bombé shape offered a rounded canvas allowing for a multitude of possible unique variations, with each period providing an interesting different adaption on it.

Edwardian bombé rings typically show off the abilities of the new metal of the period- platinum. As platinum is such a strong metal, it could be worked into the finest of curving three dimensional shapes with delicate lacy swirling and floral openwork designs- references 14080 and 19916 display these attractive characteristics.

Art Deco bombé rings reveal a striking combination of geometric straight lines within the overall rounded shape of the ring, reflecting the era’s liking for bolder crisper designs and also crafted in the typical white metal settings of the period, see references 15767, 19700 and 13468.

The Hollywood glamour of vintage bombé rings are often a larger overall size on the finger, created in impressive sizes and shapes, and seen in both platinum and yellow gold. Attractive fluted and twisting designs combined with a rounded element to them are popular at this time, see reference 19932 or 18512 and provide a wealth of enjoyment in inspecting the ring from every angle. Bombé rings were a popular form for famous top jewellery houses such as Tiffany, VCA and Oscar Heyman Brothers, frequently set with a multitude of smaller gemstones covering the entire surface of the ring, reference 18781, 19652 and 16751.

Bombé shaped rings are a stimulating choice as a remarkable engagement ring or as an attention grabbing dress ring - discover a vast array of out-of-the-ordinary hand crafted bombé rings at Berganza.

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Updated 25/03/2025 at 5:11PM

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