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Something old, something new: Antique and Vintage Wedding Jewellery

We are all familiar with the traditional wedding rhyme: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. This mantra can be traced back to Victorian England- Lancashire to be exact- when it was considered necessary for brides to incorporate these objects into their wedding, with the belief that they would lead to a happy and fruitful marriage! This familiar tale is very often interpreted into jewellery, and whether you are the mother of the bride, a guest, bridesmaid or a soon to be bride or groom yourself, it is a lovely way to partake in an age-old wedding tradition!

By incorporating something old, brides carry with them something to represent continuity, while something new stands for hope and optimism for the future. By wearing a newly acquired piece of ancient, antique or vintage jewellery, both of these criteria can be fulfilled. From ancient Roman earrings, to vintage statement dress rings, we have something to suit even the most discerning bride. Each piece in our collection is completely original, with natural, unenhanced hand-cut gemstones set within handcrafted settings, making them all truly unique!

In the Victorian era, etiquette dictated that diamonds were not to be worn by women until they were married, and therefore, diamond jewellery became a very important part of the bridal attire. Tiaras were given as wedding presents because of this; a tradition often seen in the royal family. Long associated with eternal love and devotion, diamonds make a perfect choice for wedding jewellery. Elegant diamond drop earrings come in a variety of designs to suit any bride and gown. Diamond set bracelets are equally mesmerising, perfect for making a statement on the big day and every day thereafter.

The colour blue stands for love, purity and fidelity, qualities considered to be key for marital happiness! Aquamarines and Sapphires are a stunning way to incorporate a touch of blue into a bride’s attire, whether it be a pair of earrings that elegantly frame the face, or a pendant to delicately sit in the apex of the bride’s neck.

Increasingly, couples have taken to presenting each other with gifts on the morning of their wedding. For brides seeking something different for their groom, cufflinks and tie pins serve as a wonderful way of marking the occasion and can be worn on the day and go on to be passed down for generations to come!

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Updated 3/03/2025 at 9:41AM

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