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Hexagon Diamond Rings and Jewellery

Shop Our Stunning Collection of Hexagon Diamond Rings

If you’re looking for a stunning piece of extraordinary jewellery that is very rare, you should definitely consider looking for hexagon diamond rings and jewellery. This diamond shape is so rare that many people are unable to find hexagon diamond rings and jewellery near them. However, here at Berganza, we have a wide selection of hexagon rings and jewellery from a myriad of different eras. 

Hexagon diamond rings have a long history, and have been popular as long as diamond cutting has been around. Although hexagon diamond rings look incredibly fresh and modern, they have been around for a while. Hexagon rings and jewellery look exactly like the shape they are named after - having six sides. 

Hexagon diamond rings are very hard to find, and can be found using 3 stone cuts - rose cut, step cut, and brilliant cut. Each cut makes the hexagonal shape diamond have a unique shimmer and beauty, making hexagon diamond rings incredibly popular. However, older versions of the hexagon ring can include cabochon and table cuts. No matter what, the 6 sided design of hexagon jewellery makes them a unique and impressive choice.

Hexagon diamond rings have their own unique setting, as hexagon diamonds need specialist settings in order to remain fixed in place. Their unique shape means that special settings have to be used to protect them when they are set into jewellery. However, this means that hexagon diamond rings are often made by highly talented artisans. 

Ever since diamond cutting was invented, hexagon diamond rings have been created by dedicated and talented stone cutters. Hexagon rings have been found as early as the 15th century, and hexagonal early rings are examples of how early artisans were masters at their craft. These captivating medieval hexagon diamond rings are highly sought after by antique jewellery enthusiasts, and despite their rarity, our collection of hexagon rings include medieval pieces. 

However, hexagon diamond rings also experienced a surge of popularity during the 1920s. After the first world war, society wanted a change from the floral and elegant designs of the Victorian and Edwardian jewellery eras. The Art Deco movement from this period popularised geometric, striking designs that represented the cultural change and modernity of the period. Hexagon diamond rings were high in demand, but could be accessed by only the high society, as they were as rare then as they are today. Contemporary society of the 1920s loved the striking geometric patterns of hexagon diamond rings and jewellery. 

Our collection of hexagon diamond rings display some of the rarest and most stunning finds from the far reaches of history. Here at Berganza, we are committed to finding the most stunning jewellery pieces such as hexagon rings from a myriad of eras. If you’re looking for the perfect hexagonal diamond ring, please contact us here online, or visit us in person at our Hatton Garden showroom. 

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What is a diamond shape with 6 sides?   

It is not common to find diamond shapes that have 6 sides, but they are usually referred to as hexagon diamonds when they feature in hexagon diamond rings and jewellery. Hexagon diamond rings are highly sought after, due to their rarity and striking beauty. They have been seen in jewellery since stone cutting was invented. Hexagon rings have been found as early as the 15th century, and hexagonal early rings are examples of how early artisans were masters at their craft. They were also popular during the Art Deco movement of the 1920s, as hexagon rings are dynamic and geometric in style, representing the perceived modernity of the time beautifully. If you’re looking for a stunning hexagon diamond ring or jewellery, please make sure to look through our extensive selection of vintage and antique rings.

What does a hexagon ring symbolise?   

Due to their rarity, hexagon rings have come to symbolise a unique and striking nature. If you’re looking for a hexagon diamond ring as an engagement ring, it can represent a unique and standalone love. Hexagon diamond rings are simple yet stylish, making them popular despite their rarity. It is also believed that because hexagons are made up of two triangles, hexagon rings can often symbolise harmony and balance. If you’re looking for an amazing hexagon diamond ring that will exude personality and class, take a look through our collection.

How to clean hexagon diamond rings?   

It’s important to preserve vintage jewellery, particularly if it's a piece of sentimental value, such as a hexagon diamond ring. Cleaning your ring correctly is a great way to keep them looking beautiful while also ensuring they keep their value. Take care to thoroughly rinse your hexagon ring carefully under warm water. Use a very soft brush to dislodge any dirt, and if it needs extra cleaning, use a mild washing-up liquid. Take care to be careful around the setting, as hexagon diamond rings use specialist settings due to the shape of the diamond. If you want your vintage hexagon ring to be cleaned properly, you should consider looking for professional cleaning services. Here at Berganza, we are proud to offer complimentary annual cleaning for life with every purchase, to protect your vintage and antique jewellery.

How to determine the value of hexagon rings?   

Here at Berganza, there are many things we take into consideration when evaluating any vintage jewellery, especially hexagon diamond rings. Hexagon rings have been seen as early as the medieval period, so it’s important that the piece is evaluated as accurately as possible. First of all, we pay close attention to the ring. If you have any authentication (such as proof of purchase, proof of designer) this can increase the value of your hexagon diamond ring. Here at Berganza, we are dedicated to conducting accurate assessments on each piece of jewellery that we see. If you need a piece of vintage jewellery assessed, please contact us here online, or visit us at our Hatton Garden residence.

How to sell hexagon diamond rings?   

Antique jewellery pieces are a careful investment. Vintage and antique jewellery such as hexagon rings can be very valuable, so you should make sure you get the right price. When you consult antique jewellery experts on your hexagon diamond ring, you can ensure you’re getting accurate and helpful advice. Here at Berganza, we are always happy to help with any queries surrounding vintage or antique jewellery. Do you have a vintage hexagon ring you’d like to sell? Make sure to contact us at


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Updated 25/03/2025 at 5:11PM

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