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Antique Octagonal Rings

Discover our Collection of Octagon Cut Diamond Jewellery and Rings

Octagon cut diamond jewellery has generated great interest since its invention, and it is renowned for its unique shape and beauty. As you might imagine, octagon cut diamonds have eight sides, giving them an incredibly dynamic and geometric shape. Octagonal rings are very popular due to their ability to produce a unique shine and sparkle, and also their singular rarity. 

Octagon cut diamond jewellery can be rare, and more difficult to find than other diamond shapes. Octagon cut diamonds have been popular for over a century, and display the talent and dedication of stonecutters throughout history. Octagon cut diamonds have gained popularity due to their clean lines, and chic geometric look. They are often used as parts of a jewellery design, but they can also be displayed on their own, in octagonal rings.  

Octagon cut diamonds can be cut in many different ways and use lots of different cutting techniques - they are usually also emerald cut, brilliant cut or Asscher cut. As you might imagine, every octagon cut diamond has 8 sides. However, the facet pattern can be modified when it comes to creating octagon cut diamonds. Octagonal rings and other octagon cut diamond jewellery can utilise a lot of different cutting techniques, making them one of the most interesting jewellery choices on the market today. 

Octagon cut diamond jewellery has generated great interest for over a century. However, it was incredibly popular during the 1920s, as throughout the period, geometric patterns and designs were very popular. After the First World War, society wanted to progress from the old traditional designs. Geometric designs with clean lines became very popular, representing modernity and change, meaning designs such as octagon cut diamond jewellery are very popular in collections of art deco engagement rings. However, octagon rings have been popular throughout many decades, and are still popular even today.

Octagon rings and jewellery are a popular choice for engagement rings for many people, as the unique design allows the inner quality of the stone to shine. Many octagon cut diamonds are sought after as they are said to display 8 equal hearts when the wearer looks directly at the stone. This is thought to be incredibly romantic, making octagon cut diamond rings the perfect option if you’re looking for the perfect engagement ring

Here at Berganza, we are committed to curating one of the finest collections of antique and vintage jewellery in the world, and our octagon cut diamond jewellery selection is no different. Our octagon cut diamond collection includes vintage earrings, rings, pendants and much more. If any of our octagonal rings or jewellery catches your eye, please get in touch with us here online, or contact us at our Hatton Garden residence.

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What is an octagon cut diamond?   

As you might imagine, octagon cut diamonds have eight sides, giving them an incredibly dynamic and geometric shape. Octagonal rings and jewellery are incredibly popular due to their ability to produce a unique shine and sparkle, and also for the fact that they are one of the rarer types of stone shapes. Every octagon cut diamond has 8 sides, however, the facet pattern can be modified. Octagonal rings and jewellery often use emerald cut, brilliant cut or Asscher cut styles.

How to determine the value of octagonal rings?   

Here at Berganza, there are many things we take into consideration when evaluating octagon cut diamond rings and jewellery. We always take great care when it comes to the evaluation process. We closely examine the octagonal ring in order to determine its value. If you have any authentication (such as proof of purchase, proof of designer) this can increase the value of your octagon cut diamond jewellery . Octagon cut diamond jewellery can be extremely valuable due to its rarity. Here at Berganza, we are committed to conducting accurate assessments on each piece that passes through our doors.

How to sell octagonal rings?   

Antique jewellery pieces are a careful investment. Antique jewellery such as octagonal rings can be very valuable, so you should make sure you get the right price. When you consult antique jewellery experts on your octagon cut diamond jewellery, you can ensure you’re getting accurate and helpful advice. Here at Berganza, we are always happy to help with any queries surrounding vintage or antique jewellery. If you have a beautiful octagonal ring that you’d like to sell to us, contact us at

How to clean octagon cut diamond jewellery?   

It’s imperative that you preserve your precious vintage jewellery pieces. When you own beautiful vintage jewellery pieces such as octagonal rings, it’s important to preserve their beauty. If you want to clean your octagon cut diamond jewellery, rinse your jewellery carefully under warm water. Make sure you use a very soft brush to dislodge any dirt, and if it needs extra cleaning, use a mild washing-up liquid. Be careful when cleaning antique octagon cut diamond jewellery, and take care not to scratch the surface or dislodge the stone. Make sure you rinse the jewellery thoroughly. Here at Berganza, we offer complimentary annual cleaning for life with every purchase, so your vintage octagonal rings and jewellery can be taken care of properly.

Are octagon cut diamonds rare?   

Octagon cut diamond jewellery is actually somewhat rare, despite its popularity through the centuries. Because octagonal rings and jewellery display the natural beauty of the stone, they are often created by the most skilled stonecutters. Their rarity is why they’re so popular in engagement rings. If you’re looking for a vintage rare octagon cut diamond jewellery piece, please peruse our extensive collection and if anything catches your eye, please get in touch with us.


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Updated 25/03/2025 at 5:11PM

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