In 1904 Georg Jensen first established his own small silversmithing company at 36 Bredgade in Copenhagen.Jensen's training in metalsmithing along with his education in the fine arts allowed him to combine the two disciplines and breathe new life into the tradition of the artist craftsman. Soon, the beauty and fine quality of his Art Nouveau creations caught the eye of the public and his success was assured. The Copenhagen quarters were greatly expanded and before the close of the 1920's, Jensen had opened retail outlets in New York, London, Paris, Stockholm, and Berlin.Georg Jensen died in 1935, but in the preceding years he imbued the firm with his strongly held ideals concerning both artistry in design and excellence in craftmanship, this tradition has been adhered to throughout the twentieth century. Although Jensen himself was a proponent of the Art Nouveau style, he had the wisdom and foresight to allow his designers their own freedom of expression which expanded the stylistic scope of what the firm produced and allowed it to keep step with time.It is because of this timelessness that Georg Jensen pieces are so highly prized by collectors the world over.
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