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Diamonds up to 0.99 carats

A diamond under 0.99 carats has many uses. Popular for use in both engagement rings and dress rings, diamonds that have a significantly smaller carat weight will often be used as flanking stones, or as other decorative elements, rather than as the main feature. Diamonds of this size showcase their features best in old cut and old mine cuts and make for beautiful diamond solitaire engagement rings.

Diamonds under 1.00 carat in size can vary in price from £1000-£10,000, depending on exact carat weight and other quality factors.

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How big is a 0.99 carat diamond?   

Using modern standards, a 0.99 diamond will typically be smaller than 6.5mm. This can vary when it comes to antique diamonds.

Is 0.99 carat diamond good?   

Yes, diamonds of this weight are very versatile in their usage.

How is Carat weight measured?   

Carat weight is measured most accurately on a weighing scale, but can also be measured approximately using a gauge should the diamond be set into jewellery.

What is the difference between 0.99 and 1.99 carat diamonds?   

The main difference is the appearance and also the value.


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Updated 21/03/2025 at 12:21PM

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