Hardstone cameo brooch, French, circa 1900


Hardstone cameo brooch, French, circa 1900


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Ref: 25197

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Hardstone cameo brooch. Set with an oval cameo in hardstone depicting the profile of a woman in the classical style, featuring a decorative engraved border and fitted to reverse with secure hinge pin. Marked yellow gold, maker's mark 'PR', French, circa 1900.

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Updated 7/09/2024 at 5:02PM

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Hardstone cameo brooch, French, circa 1900
Hardstone cameo brooch. Set with an oval cameo in hardstone depicting the profile of a woman in the classical style, featuring a decorative engraved border and fitted to reverse with secure hinge pin. Marked yellow gold, maker's mark 'PR', French, circa 1900.
Y Gold