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Zambian Emeralds

Zambian emeralds are geologically some of the oldest in the world, having formed around an incredible 500 million years ago.


The Zambian mines 

These gemstones weren’t discovered until 1928, and it would take yet another four decades before they finally began being unearthed. It wasn’t until the 1970s that the widespread and intensive mining of Zambian emeralds occurred.

Whilst some mines are operated on a small scale by local people, the most productive of all the Zambian mines is located in the north of the country. The Kagem mine is highly mechanised and efficient, moving in excess of a remarkable 20,000 tons of rock per day. It is now the second most valuable emerald resource in the world after Colombia. 

Today, Zambian emeralds account for about 20% of the world’s rough supply, which is then taken to India and Israel where it is cut. 

Characteristics of Zambian emeralds

Emeralds from Zambia feature an array of different physical attributes. Typically, they are bluer in colouration, and are known to have a high clarity. Other Zambian emeralds can appear much lighter in colour with more yellow undertones, and when these tones are more pronounced, they are sold as ‘chrome green beryl’ rather than as an emerald.

Often seen with a high clarity, Zambian emeralds are also harder than their counterparts from other origins, with an average of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, compared to the 7-7.5 of a Colombian emerald. This is due to differences in their geological formation and age. 

With a high iron content, they do not exhibit fluorescence, instead relying on the way that they are cut to add a liveliness to the stone.

Berganza’s Zambian emeralds

The fine Zambian emeralds in our collection showcase the beautiful deep colouration that they can achieve. Often set within yellow gold to balance out their natural bluish hue, these emeralds can be dazzling beautiful. 

From vintage signed pieces, such as this marvellous Mauboussin cluster showcasing a vivid emerald, to stunning Zambian emerald rings, explore our collection today.



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Are Zambian emeralds cheaper than Colombian emeralds?   

Typically yes, Colombian emeralds command a higher price than those from Zambia.

Are Zambian emeralds good quality?   

Zambian emeralds vary in their quality, however the mines do produce some very fine material of a high clarity which is unusual and sought after amongst jewellery lovers and investors.


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Updated 25/03/2025 at 5:11PM

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