
Mozambique Rubies

It has been known that rubies exist in Mozambique since the 16th century, however it wasn’t until very recently that these mines have been explored and the rubies that were unearthed took the gem world by storm.


A New and Exciting Source

It was in 2008 that a thrilling discovery of rubies in Mozambique occurred with the first gems found near M’sawize village in the Niassa National Reserve. A year later large deposits in Montepuez and also in the Namahaca and Namahumbi areas were found. By 2011, mining had been streamlined and significant investment had been made in the infrastructure. Today, they are the most productive and important source of rubies worldwide. 

The Mozambique mines, in particular those in Montepuez, are unique in having an unprecedented quantity of fine quality ruby, the likes of which have not been seen before.

The Characteristics of a Mozambique Ruby

With a beautiful darker hue, Mozambique rubies are often found to have brown, purple or orange tones. 

Remarkably, they have been found in much larger sizes than rubies from other localities. Some gems even reach up to 10 carats in size, a previous rarity for fine rubies.

Mozambique rubies have an array of different characteristics depending on the individual mine of origin, but there are two main types; Maninge Nice and Mugloto, named after mines in Montepuez, each with differing features.

Maninge Nice rubies are known for their brilliant and saturated colour along with a strong fluorescence. These gems can be quite flat, producing rubies of a smaller size but with an enchanting glow.

In comparison, Mugloto rubies tend towards being slightly darker in colouration, and are more substantial stones with a higher clarity.

Are Mozambique Rubies Valuable?

Whilst the cost of rubies vary depending on individual quality factors, Mozambique rubies are typically less valuable than their Burmese counterpart, although as they are increasingly sought after for their beautiful characteristics, some have recently fetched upwards of millions of pounds at auction and will prove a fine investment in years to come. 

Mozambique rubies more frequently occur in larger carat sizes than gems from Burma and this also increases their appeal and value.

Mozambique rubies in the Berganza collection 

Whilst the Berganza collection primarily houses rubies from the old mines, we also invest in fine quality gems from more contemporary mines. Currently in the showroom are some particularly beautiful Mozambique rubies for sale.

These rings feature natural, unenhanced rubies flanked by diamonds, which highlight the stunning colouration of these highly sought after gems, making them the perfect choice for an engagement ring!

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Are pigeon blood rubies found in Mozambique?   

Whilst the pigeon’s blood designation is rare, some rubies from Mozambique have been certified by gem labs as having a pigeon’s blood colouration.

Are Mozambique rubies a good investment?   

Yes, despite significant deposits being discovered, there has been a high demand for these gems and therefore there are fewer of them available today, and this declining trend will likely continue unless more deposits are found. Owing to their fine colour and beauty, demand remains high and they will only increase in value over time.

How long ago were Mozambique rubies formed?   

The rubies in Mozambique were formed between 500 and 800 million years ago, making them older than those from Burma, which were formed around 40 million years ago.


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Updated 6/03/2025 at 4:31PM

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