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Ancient Romans in Britain

The remains of one of the largest Roman villas

Earlier this week it was reported that the remains of one of the largest Roman villas had been discovered in Wiltshire. The find was revealed in the back garden of a farmhouse whilst the owner was fitting new wiring. Archaeologists have since unearthed artefacts from this site dating back as far as 175 to 220AD. Items discovered include pottery, mosaics, coins and brooches. It’s not surprising to hear that such discoveries are taking place as Britain has a fascinating number of Roman ruins and museums display a number of rare Roman relics which were found in the United Kingdom.

At Berganza we have a particularly rare and interesting Romano-British ring accompanied with paperwork from the Portable Antiquities Scheme which reports that it was unearthed in East Midlands. This piece is a silver amuletic ring with fine ropework border surrounding the letters ‘TOT’ abbreviated from the Celtic god Toutatis.  The Celtic god Toutatis was worshipped in ancient Gaul and Britain, and was associated with the Roman gods Mars and Mercury. A number of Romano-British 'TOT' rings have been found in the East Midlands, notably in Lincolnshire which was the centre of the worship of this god.

Ancient Roman jewellery items are rare and desirable as they are unique pieces which combine beauty, meaning and history. Our extensive ancient Roman collection includes earrings, neck pieces, brooches and rings dating as far back as the 1st century BC. Visit Berganza today discover and purchase your very own piece of Roman treasure.

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Updated 25/03/2025 at 5:11PM

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