The Georgian era, spanning from 1714 to 1837, is defined as encompassing the reigns of the five Kings of the United Kingdom descended from the House of Hanover, which includes George I, George II, George III, George IV, and often William IV, younger brother of George IV.
Due to this relatively broad timeframe, Georgian jewellery includes many stylistic trends. That said, because the period falls just before the Industrial Revolution and all its technological advances, Georgian jewellery can frequently be distinguished by its antique gemstone cuts, closed back settings, delicate painted enamels, and fine, hand-wrought metal work, often utilising a contrast of silver and various colours of gold. In addition to excellence in materials and methods, Georgian designs are overall classic, featuring symmetrical, balanced, and refined designs. Whatever the form, each piece is a rare survival from an age which encompassed the lives of such illustrious historical figures such as Dr. Samuel Johnson, Robert Adam, George Frederic Handel, the Duke of Wellington, and Jane Austen.
Please see our ‘Design Periods’ section of the website for more information on the history and jewellery of the Georgian period.