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Here at Berganza, we are particularly enthusiastic about our collection of rare vintage jewellery. If you’re looking for something beyond comparison, our selection is sure to include something you won’t be able to forget about.

Each piece of jewellery here has its own unique history. These pieces have generated a lot of interest, as a result of their extremely rare nature, unique designs, iconic time periods and breathtaking materials. One particular type of jewellery that generates a significant amount of interest are ancient rings. Firstly, these beautiful pieces have withstood thousands of years. Ancient jewellery is from the period 3000 BCE-500 AD and offers a slice of ancient history, often used to demonstrate a person’s status. They are pieces of art from antiquity, which has generated a contemporary following in the past couple of years. This is largely a result of the timeless beauty that so many pieces of rare antique jewellery hold, enabling them to be passed down from generation to generation.

Edwardian jewellery is also a beautiful section of our rare antique jewellery collection. Edwardian jewellery is from the period of history named after King Edward (1901-1914) and these stunning pre-war pieces are categorised by themes of femininity and fluidity.

This era was known for its iconic jewellery shapes and designs, offering an expanse of incredibly beautiful pieces to the world of rare vintage jewellery. One extremely popular style throughout the Edwardian era was cluster jewellery, first developed during the Georgian era and maintaining popularity well into the 1970's. Our collection of rare vintage jewellery features wonderful cluster designs that have stood the test of time, in terms of both popularity and structural integrity.

If you’re looking for something truly one-in-a-million, this collection of pieces that generate the most interest will have something for you. If one of our pieces of rare antique jewellery catches your eye, contact us here online, or at our Hatton Garden residence.

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What is the difference between vintage and antique jewellery?   

Antique jewellery means that the piece of jewellery is older than 100 years. Vintage jewellery means that it is older than 20 years. This is a key difference as there is a big difference between the two. Rare antique jewellery can be worth a lot of money, as it is both old and rare. Rare vintage jewellery can be just as valuable, as there is a huge demand for it.

How do I know if my antique jewellery is valuable?   

There are many things that should be considered to determine the value of your jewellery. Weight, gemstone, hallmark and provenance all contribute to determining the worth of your jewellery. Rare antique jewellery is very valuable because it is unlike other pieces.

What jewellery is the rarest?   

Rare vintage jewellery can be considered rare for many different reasons. Some particular gemstones can make a piece of jewellery be considered rare. The metal can also make a piece of jewellery rare. However, pieces of rare antique jewellery from periods such as the Ancient period can be considered very rare due to their age.

Is there anything rarer than gold?   

Platinum is rarer than gold. Rare antique jewellery with platinum can be extremely valuable as it is a lot more rare. However, gold is also very rare. Antique gold is very valuable because of this. Rare antique jewellery is often made of gold. If you’re interested in gold items, peruse our collection of gold jewellery.

How can you tell a real vintage?   

There are many methods we use to distinguish real rare vintage jewellery. Looking at the special features can determine the era the jewellery was made. For example, natural motifs on jewellery were predominantly used in the Art Nouveau era. Trade markings can also determine the provenance of the rare antique jewellery. This way we can determine whether your piece is a real rare vintage jewellery item.


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Updated 22/03/2025 at 4:21PM

© Berganza Ltd 2025