Yellow gold engraved wedding band, English, 1952.


Yellow gold engraved wedding band, English, 1952.


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Yellow gold engraved wedding band. An angular wedding band, faceted around the full circumference, each panel finely engraved with a repeating geometric design, approximately 2.5mm in width. Marked 22 carat gold, makers mark 'W&AG', full hallmarks for London, coronation mark, English, 1952.

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Updated 7/09/2024 at 5:02PM

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Yellow gold engraved wedding band, English, 1952.
Yellow gold engraved wedding band. An angular wedding band, faceted around the full circumference, each panel finely engraved with a repeating geometric design, approximately 2.5mm in width. Marked 22 carat gold, makers mark 'W&AG', full hallmarks for London, coronation mark, English, 1952.
22ct Yellow Gold