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French Cut

The French cut is a distinctive cut  characterised by their square or rectangular outline and a unique arrangement of facets which follow the octahedral form of a rough gemstone.

Stone Cuts


What is a French Cut?

This cut features a high crown with triangular-shaped facets, creating a cross-like appearance on the gem's surface. The design typically includes between 18 and 24 facets, allowing for a captivating play of light that showcases the stone's brilliance.

Contrary to popular belief, the term ‘French-Cut’ does not refer to the country of origin of this cut, but is thanks to the style of cut having found favour with European Royalty, and in particular with the French.

The History Of The French Cut

French cut dates back to the 15th century, evolving from early cuts such as the table cut. As cutting techniques developed, stones with a greater number of facets had become increasingly sought after thanks to their increased scintillation compared to the earlier, simpler cuts.

The French cut became particularly popular in France during the Renaissance and reached its peak in the 17th century, particularly among European nobility.

The introduction of the old mine cut saw a shift away from this cut until it once again gained popularity in the 1920s, during the Art Deco period, due to their geometric appearance being the perfect complement to the linear designs favoured during this era.

French cuts can be seen occasionally as an eye-catching central focal point in a piece of jewellery, however they are commonly used as accent stones, flanking a central gemstone.

Why Choose a French Cut?

The unique faceting style of a French cut creates an antique charm that stands out compared to more modern cuts. The geometric beauty of the French cut also lends itself well to a variety of jewellery styles.

Cut by eye, the stone cutter would have studied every angle of the rough before faceting the stone, making each stone individual in its own right. 

French cuts have a rich history, dating back centuries. Their historical significance adds an element of storytelling and nostalgia, appealing to those who appreciate craftsmanship and heritage in their pieces.

Berganza’s French Cut Jewellery

At Berganza, we offer a beautiful array of pieces with French cuts in our collection, whether it be as an antique diamond engagement ring, a pair of stud earrings or indeed an Art Deco line bracelet. Make an appointment in our showroom today and one of our specialists would be delighted to take you through the collection.

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Updated 14/03/2025 at 11:41AM

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