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Old Cut

The round old cut, sometimes referred to as the old European cut, originated in the late 19th century as a result of two major events that changed the course of stone cutting forever. Characterised by its round outline, small table and high crown, it evolved from the cushion old mine cut which had been popular since the 18th century.

Stone Cuts


The History of the Old Cut 

In the mid-19th century, diamonds from India and Brazil grew increasingly scarce, causing prices to soar. Then, in 1867, the discovery of diamond deposits in South Africa transformed the market, making diamonds more plentiful than ever before. 

This influx of diamonds was shortly followed by a pivotal development in cutting technology: in 1874, two American men named Henry D. Morse and Charles M. Field invented the world's first steam-driven bruting machine. Bruting, the process by which the outline of a diamond is fashioned during the cutting process, could now be done with greater precision

This innovation allowed for a more rounded shape to be achieved and with it a more symmetrical distribution of the facets. Shortly after, the invention of the power saw further revolutionised the industry, allowing smaller stones to be cut with a level of accuracy previously unattainable. 


Together, these advancements set new standards in diamond cutting, refining both the process and the resulting brilliance of the stones. By the turn of the 20th century the round old cut had firmly established itself as the most popular diamond cut, becoming a staple in every woman’s jewellery collection! Yet the round old cut diamond was more than just a fashion choice; it was a symbol of sophistication, an embodiment of the grace and beauty that defined the era.  

Whilst the bruting process was mechanised, the facets of each stone were still cut by the hands of the era’s most talented of craftsmen.  Thus, like old mine cut, no two old cuts are identical to one another. Each has its own unique charm and individual character and it is this one-of-a-kind appeal that makes them so attractive.  

The Characteristics Of An Old Cut 


Cut by hand over 100 years ago by using the first pioneering techniques of a craftsman at his workbench, the old cut remains a timeless symbol of elegance, steeped in historical importance and unmatched skill.

As cutting technology continued to advance throughout the 20th century, the art of hand-faceting stones slowly faded, leading most old cuts to be recut into modern round brilliants. Thus, old cuts are an increasingly rare find today. Cherished for their beauty and unique charm, they are highly sought after by both collectors and connoisseurs alike. 


Old Cuts at Berganza 

At Berganza, we offer a beautiful array of pieces with round old cut diamonds, sapphires and other gemstones, in our collection. Whether you are looking for a beautiful old cut diamond engagement ring, a pair of sapphire stud earrings, or a mesmerising line bracelet, this cut features proudly in many of our most special jewels.

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Updated 25/03/2025 at 5:11PM

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